Virtual dating for full-fledged relationships is real.
According to statistics, more than a third of dating takes place online (this is largely due to Tinder, which changed the very concept of dating). Online communication erases any distances and social barriers, contributing to the creation of truly strong unions. The circle of potential acquaintances is no longer limited by place of residence and work: those who would hardly have walked down the same street before can now meet and get married.
There is another curious phenomenon: analytics confirms that couples and families formed online break up and get divorced less often than those who met traditionally, offline. Experts from the University of Vienna have found an explanation for this: firstly, when meeting online, people meet each other not only by their clothes, but also by how interesting it is for them to communicate. And secondly, couples who met on websites and in applications endure separation more easily and get to know their partner without being tied to their surroundings.
So, we found out that it is possible to hope for serious communication in the Internet space. How to build communication if your goal is not flirting and casual meetings, but a permanent relationship that can develop into marriage?

A good questionnaire is 50% of success
Want to immediately filter out those looking for easy romances and relationships without obligations? Fill out your profile correctly. Avoid graphomania, cliché quotes, negative messages and false intonations. Imagine that you are telling a new friend about yourself, giving her a short but honest summary on the topic of your character, hobbies, priorities in life, some values. There is no need to spread your thoughts too much either – leave the details for private communication with a specific subject. Dozens of photos, especially in a bikini, are unlikely to attract men looking for a serious relationship. To indicate your intentions and not waste time on unnecessary candidates, it is enough to post 2-3 portrait-type photos: a man should be interested in studying you.
Live conversation
Within 3-4 days after meeting, insist on live communication by phone. There are many pick-up artists on the Internet who lure girls with other people’s photos of handsome macho men and communicate exclusively by correspondence. At any attempt to establish a “live” connection, they disappear. But they actively write, luring to their home with obvious intentions. There are those who accept such rules of the game, but serious relationships cannot be built on lies.
There are supporters of virtual flirting, and lovers of long correspondence – behind this can be hidden any scenario, except what we need. Those who are not ready to communicate in person and meet, are not ready for more serious steps. In addition, you can also learn a lot about a person by their voice.
Correct positioning
Remember the main rule of online dating: you are not obliged to explain your refusal to anyone, much less prove your interest in the man. 90% of those seeking communication (non-burdensome, of course) ask to send additional photos on the very first day, and even better – in some piquant clothing. On the second day, they are already eager to meet, and on their territory and at night, they even offer to send a taxi. “Don’t you trust me?” Or: “Let’s go out of town this weekend? My friends and I are getting ready for my dacha.” Refusal of such a “tempting” offer is usually followed by a violent and aggressive reaction. Block such acquaintances immediately. You have outlined the boundaries and have the right to expect respect. If a person is not ready to wait and puts pressure on you, this is an alarming signal that communication should not be continued.
Offline meeting
The correspondence has been going on for a week, you have managed to find out in general terms what the partner is like, heard his voice, felt mutual interest, found out intentions – it’s time for a face-to-face meeting. Do not agree to meet before this time, you do not need someone who is looking for company for the evening. For someone who needs a life partner, the meeting should be long-awaited.
Lack of masks
A mask is an internal manifestation, often a defensive reaction. Try to be yourself when meeting a man, and not try to impress. Men like sincere, real, and somewhat spontaneous girls, and not ladies with an artificial image who immediately build an invisible wall between themselves and their partner. He must love you as you are – if he falls in love with a mask, then disappointment awaits both him and you.
Inner voice
In attempts to build a relationship, we often rely on reason, because the candidate meets all the criteria on our wish list: attractive, successful, courts beautifully, has a wonderful family. But there is a “but”. Something does not click, there is no feeling of butterflies in the stomach and a nagging feeling of longing when you break up. Do not ignore your inner voice, it never lies. This is your life, you have to live with this person, do not agree to be content with “lack of feelings”, they will not make both of you happy. This man may be wonderful from all sides, but not the one you were looking for. There is no place for logic in feelings.
Don’t rush things
No matter how overwhelmed by emotions, do not rush headlong. Do not rush to get closer, try to get to know each other better. Compatibility in bed is also important, but your goal is a different kind of intimacy, emotional, spiritual and intellectual. This requires time and trust in your partner. Continue communicating in correspondence: not everyone can be frank in live communication, for some it is easier to admit something in writing. Remember that in communication with men, the axiom applies: what is easy to get is not appreciated.